Rant Back

Monday, 6 July 2009


3 Jul 09, 06:34
Izzati: Islam actually gives me a sense of liberation and a feeling of inner peace. Deal with it.
27 Jun 09, 09:22
bibit: religion for two years and bammmmmmmmm you are an Atheist. Cali.
27 Jun 09, 09:21
bibit: the more I read your blog, the more i find it absurd. you're talking as if you studied Sociology and

Bibit, I think you simplified things just a tad too much.

If you did read my blog, you'd know I've been doubting religion and God ever since I was about seven years old, and especially in my days in the Agama school where I could not take in what I thought and still think is bullshit coming out of my teachers' mouths.

And Izzati, asking me to 'deal with it' is kind of hypocritical of you. I think you're the one having a problem with dealing with the fact that I'm criticising your religion and that I cannot find the same feeling of 'inner peace' you tried to convince me you felt. Ever since I found my mind free of religious constraints, I feel more spiritual than I had ever been. And yes, spirituality is a separate thing from religion.

"What is your purpose in life? Why do you think you are here?"

This is why I feel liberated. I don't feel burdened by the thought of my life devoted to a 'Supreme Being' that I've never seen or felt. I didn't choose to not believe. It was not a rebellion borne out of a desire to be different. It was just a state of mind shaped by years and years of personal thoughts and moments.

I've addressed this point in detail by the way, in a previous post. I can't be bothered to to look up the title, but it might be something about being an optimistic nihilist.

And yes, this is a busy time for me, and I have a lot of things to do. You're right. Haha.

So replies and posts might be few and far between.


  1. "And Izzati, asking me to 'deal with it' is kind of hypocritical of you. I think you're the one having a problem with dealing with the fact that I'm criticising your religion and that I cannot find the same feeling of 'inner peace' you tried to convince me you felt."

    Sensitive much, dude, to the point that you called me a hypocrite? I'm sorry if you misunderstood my words (I guess it's hard to detect the tone behind the internet and all)

    Okay..What I meant is, deal with the fact that there are people out there (not you) who view religion as important in their lives, who find religion to be the source of their inner peace and guidance. Deal with the fact that a lot of people out there (though not all) view religion as morally good and liberating. I'm asking you to take that into account when you're debating or expressing your views, I'm not forcing you and I apologize if I come across that way.

    It's funny..in today's world, I think it's the basic human greed that is behind most of the destruction that goes on today (But well that's a different debate altogether, you don't have to touch on that subject if you can't be bothered)..but people choose to rant and twist lies about religion instead.

    2nd comment..

  2. Okay you may say this is "hypocritical" or "forceful" of me whatsoever..Because after all, it is your blog.. Who am I to tell you whether you're being a tad offensive or one-sided? Who am I to tell you to exercise consideration, etc etc? Well, I'm just trying to make you think. Yep, it is your blog, it is your stand but then again blogs are a public medium. So, other people do read your blog and so I couldn't help but leave comments when I felt some things were accurate or downright lies. Now I'm not calling you a liar, since I don't know you well enough. Plus, if it were your private blog, then that's a different matter.

    Anyway, to each his own. "Let there be no compulsion in religion."

  3. oops sorry typo, when I felt some things were *inaccurate
